Workplace emergencies can happen in any sector. All companies need staff who can respond competently to a disaster. Training is essential to ensure that the team understands how to manage a crisis confidently. A well-trained team will reduce the effects of workplace accidents and minimise further disruption of business operations. The STAC ERT training instructors are passionate about reducing the impact of industrial accidents.
We will help you to build a confident and competent emergency response team. Your team will learn to use the necessary equipment expertly. We will create realistic training scenarios, allowing your team to practise correct techniques and build confidence.
This method will teach your ERT to:
Manage an incident & accident until the emergency services arrive.
Protect people, property & the environment from further damage.
Remove people & casualties from unsafe situations.
Administer First Aid when necessary.
Gain safe access to dangerous areas if necessary.
We use a comprehensive skills matrix to assess our learners. This continuous assessment method lets us keep you up-to-date with your team’s skills and training progress. Our instructors have decades of combined experience in the fire service, military medicine, and adult education. We use this array of expertise to create an unrivalled training programme for Emergency Response Teams. Contact us to arrange a site visit. A member of our team will assess your needs and build a training programme to suit your requirements.
Call Seamus on 086-818 7403 for further details.
Emergency Response Team - Medical
Emergency Response Team - Rescue
Unit 11A Ballycummin Village,
Raheen, Limerick
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
8:00 am – 5:00 pm